Biden-Harris Administration Victory Poses Opportunities but Many Challenges Ahead for Immigrant Rights

Let’s take a moment to celebrate. After almost four long years, we are able to once again hope and dream about an immigration system that centers our community’s humanity and dignity.

Thank you for getting us there. Whether you went out to vote, encouraged others to get out and vote, or were one of the volunteers that helped us naturalize a new citizen that voted for the first time, thank you.

Supervising attorney, Laura Garcia-Izaguirre, after voting in the 2020 election. Laura is a naturalized citizen and  first time voter.

Supervising attorney, Laura Garcia-Izaguirre, after voting in the 2020 election. Laura is a naturalized citizen and first time voter.

I am here today because of the sacrifices my parents made when they immigrated to the U.S. I am hopeful that with the election of President-elect Biden, we can begin to shape our immigration system based on our common humanity.

Now, we must continue to act together to make sure that our vision becomes a reality.

The incoming Biden-Harris Administration has laid out several pro-immigrant proposals that immediately will end many of the cruel policies of the past four years such as reinstating DACA for more than 5,600 New Mexicans, rolling back the public charge rule that caused many immigrants to forgo necessary medical care and food assistance, and winding down the Remain in Mexico program that has left thousands stranded along the border.

However, we know that rolling back Trump’s policies is not enough. We need to use the power that the immigrant community and allies have built to push for an immigration system that truly honors the contributions our families make to this country.

Staff attorney, Arifa Raza, consults with a detention client outside of the NMILC office.

Staff attorney, Arifa Raza, consults with a detention client outside of the NMILC office.

I am here today because of the sacrifices my parents made when they immigrated to the U.S. I am hopeful that with the election of President-elect Biden, we can begin to shape our immigration system based on our common humanity. We will continue to fight for basic rights like universal representation for all low-income immigrants facing deportation, citizenship for all undocumented immigrants in our communities, and inclusive and equitable policies, at both the state and federal level, that honor and respect the contributions that countless immigrants have made to our society.

We need to use the power that the immigrant community and allies have built to push for an immigration system that truly honors the contributions our families make to this country.

How is NMILC stepping up? Immediately, this is what we are doing:

Our Citizenship & DACA teams are working on refining our remote workshop model, including assessing our capacity to assist as many as 2,000 individuals who will be eligible for DACA for the first time in New Mexico as we expect President-elect Biden to reinstate DACA.

Our Detention Programs and Asylum Workshop teams are working to continue advocating for the release of all individuals detained by ICE, while providing them with critical legal information. We expect that an end to the many disastrous policies that have left asylum-seekers stranded in Mexico may lead to more individuals being sent to one of the three immigrant prisons in our state. As COVID-19 continues to spread rampantly in immigrant prisons, we will continue to advocate for an end to these institutions.

Our Economic Justice team will continue to advise workers, small businesses owners, and entrepreneurs about their eligibility for COVID-19 relief. We will join local and national partners and call for equitable relief packages for all, regardless of immigration status, although we are prepared to assist our community if future relief continues to include complex immigration status-related barriers.

Moving forward, our staff will work with our community partners to collectively hold President-elect Biden accountable as we work towards systemic and institutional changes that: are rooted in social and racial equity, founded on human rights, and institute systems of accountability to uphold due process for those seeking protection from their home countries.

Working together, in community, we will get there.


Adriel D. Orozco, Esq. Executive Director

Adriel D. Orozco, Esq.
Executive Director


Adriel Orozco is NMILC’s Executive Director. To read more about him, visit his staff bio page here.


#GivingTuesday 2020


Immigrant Voters Are A Waking Giant This Election